
January 31, 2022

ACE Action Teams



John Brougher, Head of Campaigns and Civic Engagement

[email protected] | 202.455.5357


Action for the Climate Emergency (ACE)  launched a new distributed organizing network for teens with a goal of supporting thousands of young people to become climate leaders, take local action, and influence their leaders to advance swift policy solutions.

(Washington, D.C.): Action for the Climate Emergency (ACE),  a leading youth climate advocacy and civic engagement organization with more than 800,000 youth members in all 50 states, launched a new national distributed organizing program for teens on January 31, 2022. 

ACE Action Teams across the U.S. will work together to create a powerful force to demand that our leaders act on the climate emergency right now through meaningful policy change and executive action. Action Team members receive training, get to build power within their communities, and lead actions like rallies and legislative advocacy days.

Action Teams nationwide engage in local, state and national campaign work, doing coordinated advocacy and organizing around climate justice, renewable energy proliferation, voting, advocating for fair elections, and other critical climate and democracy issues. Young people become part of an exclusive team of youth leaders who build grassroots power to make legislative change happen at every level.

At full scale, ACE will engage more than 10,000 young leaders annually through the Action Team Network via hundreds of Action Teams in all 50 states.

Quotes from ACE Action Team Leaders:

“I chose to be an Action Team Leader because taking action on the climate emergency can make a huge impact on this movement and demand elected leaders take action. ACE is an incredible organization that practices what they preach—centering young people in this space and giving the tools we need to create change. Working with ACE has shown me the power of the youth voice and equipped me with the tools and skills to advocate for environmental justice.” – Puji Masireddy, Great Valley High School, PA.

“I’m really excited to be an action team leader because I’m ready to make a difference. The world is literally on fire. Our teams are doing everything that we can in this fight.” – Chloe Hartman, Feasterville, PA

“For a long time I felt like I couldn’t do anything and ACE is giving me that feeling that I can; that I have the power and my voice matters.” – Mihika Tyagi, Greenhope High School, NC.

“I started an Action Team knowing that I’m a part of something bigger and able to advocate to my friends and a larger audience about the climate emergency.” – Wesley Hollowell, Lake Lure Academy, NC.

“We’re excited and energized about the Action Team Network. What’s great to show others is that we have a plan of how we’re going to take action and show we have resources through ACE.” – Kali Geoghan, Madison West High School, WI.

“When recruiting for our Action Team, we showed we were passionate by talking and sharing our mission with others. It was cool to do that! We ended up recruiting 26 members from our school fair and we have lots of cool plans this year with ACE.” – Sophie Smith – Madison West High School, WI.

“I enjoyed how much we have gotten done! We are already having our first city council meeting and planning a huge “Climb It for Climate” event at Chimney Rock in the spring.” – Maija Zidek, Lake Lure Academy, NC.

About ACE

ACE educates, inspires and supports young people to lead the fight for their future. We ensure they have everything they need to understand the science and advocate for solutions to the climate emergency. 

Learn more about the Action Team Network here.

Join our Youth Action Network

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