Olivia Wander

Olivia Wander

Action Fellow Alumni

North Carolina

Olivia was born in San Jose, California, and currently lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She is a senior at Chapel Hill High School, where she is on the school FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) robotics team and plays violin in the school orchestra. In her free time, Olivia enjoys running, biking, reading, drinking coffee and tea, and playing with her kitten, Felix.

Climate change has always been of concern to Olivia. She realizes the threat is immediate and disproportionately affects those who have the least resources to fight against it. In eleventh grade, she was inspired by a few amazing friends and family members to get involved in climate change education, and since then has participated in several small climate awareness projects and has attended the first Annual North Carolina Climate Justice Summit. Through the Fellowship, Olivia hopes to continue to spread awareness information about climate change and help move forward initiatives, both local and national, to combat the serious threat facing the Earth and all of its inhabitants.