Justice Equity Diversity Inclusion Team

Justice. Equity. Diversity. Inclusion.
ACE’s Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Team is a small staff team that exists to move our organization and work toward anti-racism, inclusion, justice and equity. The JEDI team consists of a cohort of ACE staff members from all levels of the organization representing leadership, programmatic, and development staff. The JEDI Team strives to maintain a robust representation of the diverse identities and experiences our staff and stakeholders hold.
We believe that injustice is at the core of the causes and consequences of the climate crisis, and therefore justice must be at the heart of the solutions. ACE believes that the fight against climate change requires us to dismantle all forms of oppression, including: racism, white supremacy culture, exploitative capitalism, heteropatriarchy, ableism, colonization, and imperialism. Doing so requires work to be done as individuals, within our organization and externally through how we show up in the broader climate movement. To create a truly just, equitable, diverse and inclusive world, we must create that reality within every space we find ourselves.
The JEDI team works to push ACE to think critically about how we engage with one another, the work that we do, and how we do it. As climate educators, organizers, and storytellers we are committed to building power with young people from all backgrounds. We work to uplift and center our communities while fighting for, envisioning, and creating a just and equitable future we all deserve.
Meet the JEDI Team
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Calling everyone who believes a future is worth fighting for. Together, we’re bringing youth climate action to center stage. Join our movement.
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