Wehazit Mussie
Action Fellow
North Carolina
Wehazit Mussie attends Highland School of Technology. She was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and moved to North Carolina when she was 11. She was inspired to start learning about climate change by Greta Thunberg and Vanessa Nakate.
She is most focused on climate education because not enough people are aware of how harmful and destructive climate change is and the ACE Action Fellowship allows her to work on this issue. She thinks it is very important to stand up for issues especially if you have the opportunity and resources to do so. She wants future generations to have a safe and secure future without having to worry about the threat that climate change could impose on their lives.
Both of Wehazit’s parents are first-generation immigrants from Eritrea. She is very proud of her culture and loves learning about other people’s cultures too. She is an active member of HOSA and a volunteer at CaroMont Regional Medical Center. She also plays varsity soccer and tennis at her school.