Sophie Smith
Action Fellow
Sophie Smith lives in Madison, Wisconsin and is a sophomore at Madison West High School. She loves hiking, dancing, singing, reading and being outside. She is a member of the Green Club at her school and has grown her passion for the environment through the club. She first became interested in climate change when she was in 2nd grade at a museum exhibit. She became both interested and terrified about the prospects of man made climate change, and has become passionate about devoting her life to slowing the effects of climate change.
Sophie believes climate change is the most important issue at hand. Everything stems from climate change and the effects will soon be irreversible. She believes people should do everything in their power to help and that the population should put pressure on the government to stop climate change and take charge until it does. She believes youth should be at the front of this issue, as it will affect them the most. She has been inspired by the Fridays For The Future movement, which has given her hope for the future. Sophie is especially passionate about renewable energy and composting as it is something that individuals can do to make a big difference.