Madison Perinovic

Madison Perinovic



Madison attends Tampa Bay Technical High School as a senior and takes part in their Medical program, involving clinical experience throughout the year to graduate with a certification! She has been associated with a few clubs such as AVID, HOSA, and Redefining Beautiful through her school. Along with this, she is also currently managing and maintaining two jobs after school and on the weekend, as well as participating in ACE! Madison is an animal and plant-lover, owning a bunny, a bearded dragon, and a dog, and is up to about 7 plants in her little indoor plant collection. 

Madison first got into climate change during middle school when she started reading into more in her science classes! She always thought it was an important topic, but never really thought to act on it then. Going into high school, she into it even more as she was more into social media, exposing her to things that feed into the climate crisis and small things that people can do to help/avoid further harming the environment. Overtime, she began to care a little more and kept at finding things she could do to help, now leading her to join ACE as a fellow! 

Madison believes that climate change is a very important topic due to the obvious fact that it is something that will greatly affect the entire world’s population eventually when irreversible damage is done to the planet. She thinks that people should do everything they can to contribute to our home Earth and to avoid harming our beautiful planet!