Kali Geoghegan
Action Fellow
Kali is a 9th grader at West High School in Madison, Wisconsin. She participates in Forensics, Model UN, and Future Problem Solving. She also enjoys biking, cooking, and judo. Kali is passionate about climate change because she knows it is an existential threat that is already impacting every facet of life on earth, especially for the most vulnerable, and the current global response is far from adequate. She’s excited for the opportunity to participate in the movement of young people fighting for their future. The aspects of climate action she is most interested in are renewable energy, climate justice, and transformative policies (like the Green New Deal) to move the country, and the world, forward.
The first time Kali felt like she could make a difference was in fifth grade, when she successfully wrote a grant to add a compost bin to the school garden. It’s important to empower young people to create change, no matter how small. It’s hard to accept that climate change will be irreversible before long, and it’s disheartening to inherit a doomed world.
But the world isn’t doomed quite yet, and Kali’s generation will fight to keep it that way. In school she reads and writes and works for her future. But to have one at all she will need to protest and organize and push for change. Kali can’t wait to be part of the ACE Action Fellowship!