Hannah Benghallem

Hannah Benghallem



Hannah Benghallem is a sophomore at Lake Nona High School in Orlando, Florida. Hannah was raised in Morocco which is a country that is big on climate change. In school there, she was never taught about climate change because no one worried about what was going on. Little did she know that it was such a prominent issue. Once she had moved to America in grade six, she began to see reports and articles warning us that our planet will become destroyed if nothing is done because of our own species and we are the only ones who can fix it. Hannah realized that to make a change she needed to start with herself. That’s when her mission began. 


Hannah is very passionate about educating others about the major issue that we all need to face, climate change. She advocates when she can to younger generations because they are the future leaders of the world. This fellowship is important to Hannah because it allows her to connect with other youths that share similar viewpoints to make a bigger impact. I am looking forward to helping the cause and inspiring others to do so to because it’s everyone’s planet that’s at risk. 


Hannah enjoys playing tennis and basketball. She speaks French so she is involved with a couple organizations to spend the culture. She also enjoys playing the piano which she has been learning for over 5 years.