Gabrielle Matthews
North Carolina
Gabrielle is a current Fellowship member in Charlotte, North Carolina. She is a senior at North Mecklenburg High School and has lived in Charlotte her whole life. She first became interested in climate change in 9th grade after taking Earth and environmental studies as a school course. After learning about her carbon footprint she felt that she could do more to help reduce the carbon footprint of her school so she started the club, NMHS Green Team. She started the club in her sophomore year of high school and has been the leader for 3 years. Over the years the group has worked on solar suitcases, teaching children about climate change, and starting a recycling program at her school. She is also the current leader of a dance club at her school. She has been apart of this club ever since her freshman year as dance is something she is very passionate about.
Even with the club at her school, Gabrielle felt she could do more. She decided to join the Fellowship to be more active in her local community in regards to bringing awareness to climate issues. She believes if everyone takes steps to reduce their carbon footprint and a few people take the extra steps to ensure that the government and corporations follow environmentally friendly protocols then we can reduce the damage we do to our Earth.