BREAKING: Biden Halts LNG Export Expansion

Leah Qusba


January 26, 2024


Today we celebrate a historic victory. A groundswell of advocacy, led by frontline leaders in the Gulf South and young people across the nation, has successfully resulted in the Biden Administration temporarily halting all pending decisions on new Liquefied “Natural” Gas (LNG) Export Terminals—17 total projects across the Gulf South including the massive proposed CP2 facility. The Administration stated, “current economic and environmental analyses DOE uses to underpin its LNG export authorizations are roughly five years old and no longer adequately account for considerations like potential energy cost increases for American consumers and manufacturers beyond current authorizations or the latest assessment of the impact of greenhouse gas emissions.”

Beyond destroying our climate and locking us into decades of methane emissions, these LNG export terminals are destroying communities across the Gulf South—releasing dangerous pollutants that can lead to heart disease, cancer, and other public health problems. Today we stand in triumph alongside Gulf South communities and young people like Kami whose voices are finally being heard: The Gulf is Not a Sacrifice Zone.

Kami, a 15-year-old from Sulphur, Louisiana, stands in front of a liquefied natural gas plant.
Kami, a 15-year-old from Sulphur, Louisiana, stands in front of a liquefied natural gas plant.

While this fight is far from over, ACE is celebrating the last several years of work we’ve contributed to this movement alongside frontline leaders who have been fighting this battle for many years, young people, and the broader climate movement to achieve this win: 

ACE and other frontline groups and citizens rally to ask President Biden to stop LNG exports.
ACE and other frontline groups and citizens rally to ask President Biden to stop LNG exports.

This historic win—while only temporary for now—breathes new life into our collective work and gives me hope. Together, we move forward in solidarity as one movement to make sure our leaders know: The Gulf is Not A Sacrifice Zone. 


Leah Qusba
Executive Director, Action for the Climate Emergency

Leah, ACE Headshot

Leah Qusba

Executive Director

Leah has been a part of ACE since 2009. She lives in Milwaukee with her family and enjoys frequent adventures on Lake Michigan.

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