ACE Youth Action Network Demands President Biden: Stop Line 3

ACE Staff Writer


February 1, 2022


Dear Mr. President, the Line 3 pipeline is another step toward climate catastrophe.

Right now, the Indigenous Anishinaabe people of Wisconsin are fighting Big Oil to stop Line 3. Line 3 is a pipeline designed to bring 1 million barrels of dirty tar sands oil per day from Canada to the US directly through their ancestral land and the Great Lakes and Mississippi River watershed. The pipeline company building Line 3 is also responsible for the largest land-based oil spill in US history.

That’s why​ over 10,788 Action for the Climate Emergency supporters from across the country have signed on to this letter.​ We need you to hear us loudly and clearly:

President Biden: Stop Line 3 now and do what’s right.

Line 3 violates Indigenous treaty rights, running through the Anishinaabe treaty land and the Mississippi Headwaters. This dirty, outdated pipeline will put Indigenous lands, untouched wetlands, the Great Lakes watershed, and the Mississippi River at extreme risk.

Tar sands are obsolete and the industry is dying. Importing more dirty fossil fuels will continue to accelerate climate change and the flooding, drought, wildfires, and other extreme weather events that come with it. It doesn’t make economic or ecological sense to complete the Line 3 project, and it must be stopped now.

President Biden: Stop Line 3 now and do what’s right.


Action for the Climate Emergency

ACE Staff Writer

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