Project Ideas for Earth Week

ACE Staff


April 3, 2015

DOT World

It’s April!

Which means Earth Week is coming up soon: April 20-24.

Earth Week is the perfect time of year to remind your school community how important it is to take care of our planet is and to do small actions every day to make a difference.

What is your Action Team planning for Earth Week? Be sure to start thinking of ideas now, so you will have plenty of time to make plans and make them happen!

Need inspiration? Here are 4 fun ideas from around the country:

1. DOT Mural

Here’s an easy way for everybody at school to Do One Thing to help fight climate change, and also contribute to a beautiful art project!

DOT Mural

Set up a table during lunch and collect DOT pledges from students (use circles, leaves, whatever you’d like!). From recycling, to turning off lights, to biking to school, to thrift shopping, every DOT makes a difference! After you collect the DOTs, put them up in a mural for everyone to see.

Cassie at Andrews High School in High Point, NC says: “The DOTs took up four large windows in the cafeteria. We learned from this experience that students are willing to participate if the participation is made more personal to them. Our Do One Thing campaign was a success!”

2. Water Awareness Day

Since many parts of the country (hello, California and Nevada!) is in a drought right now, saving water is more important than ever. Put out an table during lunch and educate your school about water conservation (#turboshower, anyone?). Offer fun activities, helpful tips, and cool prizes.

Water Awareness

The Green Team at Los Altos High School in California put together a “Water Quiz” on cards with information about the drought. Students that got 3 questions right won a free drought-tolerant succulent plant!

Sruthi from Los Altos High says: “Given the drought that has been going on in California for a while now, we wanted to raise more awareness about the issue among the students in our school. I think the best part was when people came back and told us that the activities taught them something new. When someone tells you, ‘Wow, I never realized that before!’ and understands the importance of your issue, that’s when you know your event was successful.”

3. Walk and Roll Day

Walk and Roll

This is a day to reward students and staff who use greener transportation to get to school! Set up a table before school and give out goodies and snacks to people who come to school by walking, biking, carpooling, or taking public transit. You can also use fun activities during lunch to remind people that driving is not the only way to get around.

Owen from Irvington High School in Fremont, CA designed this retro graphic to get the word out about Walk and Roll Day at his school:  ​

Walk and Roll Irvington

4. Trashy Fashion Show

This lunchtime activity is always a big hit! Raise awareness about waste by holding a fashion show featuring outfits made out of reused and repurposed materials. You can get really creative with this one.

Trashy Fashion Show

What counts as trashy fashion? The sky’s the limit! Here’s what Laura and Nitzah from Whitney Young High School in Chicago, IL made for their show: “a dress made out of balloons, a dress made out of black garbage bags, a dress made out of white grocery bags, a dress made out of plastic cups and another dress made out of an Ikea bag. We also have a dress made out of skittles, a dress made out of newspaper, and a dress made out of seat belts.”

Now that’s impressive!

Have more ideas for Earth Week? ACE wants to know about them! Post your photos to @acespace on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

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