One More Week To Be Rockstar
Gaby Berkman
|May 7, 2012

If you’re in an Action Team and are doing our Biggest Loser: Energy competition, I’m sure you’re doing everything you can to shed those nasty pounds of CO2. Which is why we’d like to remind you about all of our awesome Bonus Projects, but particularly our Music Video contest. After all, it is your chance to star in our very own music video!
To refresh your memory on this awesome project, all you have to do is create a music video about the Biggest Loser: Energy competition. Choose whatever genre you like best and go get your creative on! You can create a brand-new original or remix an existing song. Check out more deets here.
Music video isn’t your thing? That’s cool! We have a bunch of equally awesome projects to help you shed all of the CO2 you can. Check it out:
Throw a Power Down Day. Shut the lights off in participating classrooms for a day. Dark and stormy outside? Turn off half of the lights for the whole day or all of the lights for half a day.
Collab on Campus. Team up with other clubs or organization at your school get the word out about Biggest Loser: Energy competition and to help you to rock it. You could work with the student government to get it announced over the loudspeaker during daily announcements, or you could work with the school newspaper to get a front-page feature in the paper.
Post Up Some Posters. Then Flip ‘Em Off. Download and print these sweet Flip ‘Em Off Posters. Post over light switches and flip ’em off!
Did a Bonus Project (or three?). Tell us! That way we can award you your hard – earned bonus stars, and you’ll get the credit you deserve. Plus, the more stars you earn, the higher you’ll be on the Leaderboard and the better shot you have at winning a Flipcam for your Action Team.
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