Move Your Body (With the Rest of the Planet) on September 24

ACE Alumni


August 29, 2011


Every fall, our partners over at hold an event to mobilize communities to take action on climate change. Last year they asked us to Get to Work — planting gardens, installing solar panels — in communities nationwide. This year, we’re getting going — showing how communities can move beyond fossil fuels using our bikes, skates, feet, pogo stick… anything but a car!

On September 24, 2011, hundreds of thousands of people in communities around the world will be buzzing with action for Moving Planet. ACE Educators will be at events in each of ourĀ regions — will you join us?

Not convinced? How ’bout this: any ACE Action Team that brings 5 or more students to a Moving Planet event, and sends us a photo, will get a bonus star for your Action Team. It’s like fun and easy extra credit in science class — don’t miss out!

Want to start your own Moving Planet event? Totally possible. has some great ideas on how to get your school involved and a handy-dandy resource guide with event ideas, downloadable posters, and everything else under the sun.

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