March Madness: anti-science on the rise


March 22, 2017

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At ACE, our work is driven by the belief that young people have a right to know the science of climate change. Historically in our country, there has been little investment in teacher support to bring quality climate science education into the classroom, and for nearly a decade, we’ve focused on filling that gap.

Since ACE was founded in 2008, there has been progress. As an organization, we’ve engaged over 5,500 K-12 teachers, and reached millions of students. In the wider field, the Next Generation Science Standards are the first framework to include climate science as a requirement, and have now been adopted by 18 states and the District of Columbia.

The work to educate young people on climate change is now more important than ever.

But we also face new challenges and a growing anti-science movement. Funding for environmental education is proposed to be cut from federal agencies. States like Indiana and Oklahoma are pushing anti-science bills that make it easier for teachers to mislead students. And well-funded misinformation campaigns, like the Heartland Institute’s recent mass mailing of junk climate science to K-12 schools, are marketing resources directly to teachers to perpetuate a state of confusion and apathy among youth.

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The work to educate young people on climate change is now more important than ever. ACE is proud to work with dozens of other organizations who share our vision of a country in which young people have the knowledge and support to be powerful advocates for a future that is safe, equitable, and prosperous for all people.

Now, more than ever, we must support scientists, educators, students, and parents. At ACE, we will continue to be bold, meet these new challenges with creativity, and not rest until every high school student in the nation graduates with a first-class science education that includes learning about climate change.

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