First Smart Phones, Now a Smart Thermostat?

Gaby Berkman


October 26, 2011

Nest Founders

Admit it: you couldn’t live without your iPod. It goes everywhere with you- on the bus to school, walking around town, the gym. Also, ACE’s Biggest Loser: Energy competition First Weigh-In deadline is just around the corner (November 4- if you and your Action Team haven’t submitted your First Weigh-In yet do so now!).

So why am I talking about iPods and Biggest Loser in the same paragraph? Well, the creators of the very first iPod, Nest Laboratories, just had the brilliant idea to create a ‘Learning Thermostat,’ which adapts to your habits. So unlike other programmable thermostats, this one adjusts to your habits, such as when you wake up and when you go to sleep and even what temperatures you prefer to keep rooms at. It will even take note of what time you leave the house in the morning and what time you get back at night and reduce the temperature during that time. Now that’s one smart wall fixture!

Still confused about how this fits into Biggest Loser: Energy? Let me break it down for you: Biggest Loser is all about reducing carbon and saving money. This nifty thermostat will save you up to $173 during the first year at $347 after two years of use. During that time, it will also drastically reduce your home’s carbon output.

Check out this video to see how it works:

In the meantime, sign up for Biggest Loser: Energy to start making changes like this on your own!

Gaby Berkman

Join our Youth Action Network

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