
Climate Advocacy

Take Action With Us

The climate emergency is here whether our leaders acknowledge it or not. We deserve a world beyond fossil fuels—a world in which our leaders tell the truth, honor the will of the people, and act at an emergency-level speed to avert climate catastrophe.

Ready to take action? Whether you’re interested in being more involved civically, stopping fossil fuels in your community, or demanding clean energy jobs, there are ways you can help right now.

Check out our latest campaigns and get plugged in right away.

Active Campaigns

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In a democracy, your vote is your voice, and decisions are made by those who show up at the polls. Make sure your voice is heard—register to vote now.

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World Oceans Day Petrochemicals and Plastic

Tell Congress To Implement An Excise Tax On Virgin Plastic

Tell Congress: Implement A Tax on Plastic Manufacturers

Email Congress Now
Windmills And Solar Farm

Usher In A Renewable Revolution

Demand your governor pass 100% clean legislation.

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oil rig

Help Get JPMorgan Chase To Stop Funding Fossil Fuels

Add your name to the movement calling for JPMorgan Chase to divest their billions of investments in fossil fuels!

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Demand RBC Stop Funding The Coastal GasLink Pipeline

Sign the petition to get RBC to pull all funding from the Coastal GasLink pipeline!

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Engaging Networks Banner Images (6)

Tell Congress: Support Local Renewable Energy Solutions

We need local, renewable energy for community resilience during extreme weather amplified by climate change.

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Join our Youth Action Network