EVs Can Save Super-Drivers Money
January 5, 2024

Three creator-produced short videos significantly persuaded audiences that an electric vehicle saves drivers money compared to a gas car and to say that they would recommend an EV to a friend or family member.
Study Design
A sample of 819 U.S. adults completed the study in December 2023. Participants were randomly assigned to view one of three EV videos or an unrelated placebo video. Within the sample, 103 participants (12.6%) identified as having owned or leased an electric vehicle.
Participants were asked to rate their agreement to the following statements:
- Comparing similar vehicle make and models, an electric vehicle would be more cost-saving in the long run than the traditional gasoline version.
- I am interested in researching the switch to an electric vehicle.
- I would recommend an electric vehicle to a friend or family member for their next vehicle purchase.
Key Findings
- All three videos persuaded people that an EV would be more cost-saving than a traditional vehicle (12-19% increase).

- None of the videos prompted people to consider researching an EV for themselves.
- All three videos persuaded people to recommend an EV to a friend or family member (8-13% increase).

- All messages had more pronounced persuasive lifts for two audience subgroups – self-identified Independents (up to 10% additional lift) and white respondents (up to 9% additional lift). Future messaging targeting these subgroups would be beneficial.

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